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TeneraPro App – New Work Type Setting and Price Adjustment

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

Even though our custom TeneraPro App comes with a great variety of work types preloaded and available from a drop-down menu – prices included – a need to add a new work type may arise, as repair methods are improved, and new materials become available (and are tested and proven to provide a better solution). This can easily be done with a few clicks, either directly from the Issues screen, or from the admin panel.

The Existing Work Types

When a new issue is added – name and picture(s) entered, work type assignation can begin. Clicking on Select Work Type will enable a drop-down menu which will display the recently used work types.

To view other available work types, simply collapse the Recently Used by clicking on the arrow. More work types will be displayed by category – the categories are visible, with an arrow available that allows to expand the category to view all the work types contained in it.

Creating a New Work Type

If a required work type is not available, a new one can be created easily. There are two ways to do this: directly from the existing work type menu, or from the admin panel.

The first option becomes available when the user clicks into the Select Work Type bar and starts typing. If the data entered does not match any of the existing options, a prompt pops up to create a new work type.

Clicking on Create New Work Type calls up a new screen that allows to enter all of the required information, including the category (to keep the work types organized), the dimension type – linear or square feet, Unit Price and Unit Cost, as well as short and long description.

The second option is going to the admin panel – The existing work types will be displayed, and the Create button is available at the top right, allowing the user to add a new work type.

 A new screen is displayed, requiring the user to enter the necessary information. The Discoverable toggle must be activated for other app users to have access to the newly created work type.

Price Adjustment

With the current version of the app, it is not yet possible to adjust the prices once the dimensions are entered. However, this can be done once the solution / spec document is generated. Read about this option in our next publication.


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