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Tenera Quality Control Summary Report 

Inspection Type

1. Inspection Summary 

During our on-site review, the following areas were inspected: 

List inspected areas, e.g., mechanical rooms, elevator pits, parking garage, etc.

Please note any findings from the inspection, including the condition of completed work, any repairs made on-site, and any new areas of concern observed. Refer to the Recommendations section for further details.

For your full detailed QC Report, please visit this link.

Add the Hyperlink to Full Online QC Report

2. Recommendations 

If applicable, include detailed recommendations for additional work.

  • Area: [Describe the affected area, e.g., parking garage ramp or exterior walls]. 

  • Observation: [Detail the issue observed, e.g., small cracks forming near drainage]. 

  • Priority: [Indicate urgency: Low, Medium, High]. 

  • Recommended Action: [Describe the proposed work, e.g., repair cracks and reapply waterproofing]. 

3. QR Code Placement 

To enhance convenience, we can place a QR code for ease of issue reporting.

  • This code allows you or your team to instantly report any future concerns, streamlining service requests. 

  • Adding additional QR codes for common areas such as mechanical rooms, ramps, gym, and parking garages can be provided at no cost to you as part of our commitment to excellent service and proactive maintenance. When that specific area needs to be serviced or inspected, we will be alerted at that time, we will schedule a technician and/or specialist to come out and assess the issue.  

4. Next Steps and Follow-Up 

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